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Nurse Jana


Updated: Feb 3, 2022


  • Schedule in your appointment at a time where you can have sufficient recovery time if bruising does occur. Not all patients will bruise, but it's best to give yourself at least a week of down time, just in case!

  • Have a list of questions ready. Nurse Jana will go through each procedure in detail with you during each appointment, but if there is something specific you are itching to know, make sure you write it down so you don’t forget.

  • Stop taking any blood thinning medications including fish oils, vitamin e and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories such as Nurofen, ONE WEEK prior.

  • Stop consuming any caffeine or alcohol for 24-48 hours prior.

  • Avoid rigorous exercise or pre-workout stimulants for 24-48 hours prior.

  • Eat something prior to your appointment, particularly if you are feeling a little nervous about your appointment. Whilst Nurse Jana will do everything possible to make your appointment a comfortable experience, sometimes all the excitement can cause your blood sugar levels to drop, which in rare instances, can lead to dizziness or fainting.


  • Where possible, don’t wear any make up. Makeup up must be removed prior to any treatment as it can cause bacterial infection and complications. Furthermore, Nurse Jana needs to see your natural face in order to accurately place product and design the correct treatment plan for you.

  • Have unrealistic expectations. Cosmetic injections should only ever subtly improve your appearance, not completely change your face.

  • Attend your appointment if you are feeling unwell. Injectables are contraindicated in anyone with a cold or flu. Acute illness can cause severe complications with fillers.

  • Feel self-conscious. You are a goddess, with or without injectables.

Take a selfie, tag @cosmeticnursejana and show off your beautiful soul and self!

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